Peace—Is It Even Possible?

bird flying overhead

Peace—Is It Even Possible?

Golden Nugget: “‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’”

Daily Verse: “‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’” —Jesus (John 16:33)

Daily Message:
It’s obvious that our world is full of trouble. We can easily identify with this reality as we experience difficult circumstances every year, every week, and even every single day. Broken relationships, health concerns, hurtful situations, job stresses, and financial woes—all threaten to steal our feelings of peace and calm.

Sometimes we attempt to achieve a state of tranquility by doing certain activities or by simply changing the way we think. Maybe you have tried some of these techniques already and have felt discouraged when they didn’t provide lasting peace. When we have no peace, our lives start to feel hopeless in the face of inevitable hard times.

How can we have peace—real peace—even when our lives may be crumbling around us? In this verse, Jesus offers encouragement. He has overcome the world with its many hurts and problems, and because of this, he can offer us true and lasting peace.

Consider This:

  • What situation feels hopeless to you today?
  • How does Jesus’ offer of real peace make you feel?
  • Do you know someone who seems to have real peace in his or her life?

Take Action:
Make a list of the things that are troubling you today. Ask Jesus to give you his miraculous peace in the midst of these things