Finding Our Way

finding our way

Finding Our Way

Golden Nugget: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” 

Daily Verse: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” —John 14:6

Daily Message:
Mazes can be a fun outside activity—as long as you don’t get permanently lost in one. Sometimes our existence feels like a maze: we wander around with no clear sense of direction, hoping to stumble upon a life that is genuinely vibrant and meaningful. And while we are looking for that kind of life, we also want to find truth, which can seem equally elusive.

Jesus makes a big statement in today’s verse: he claims that he is the way to God, he is the truth we need, and he is the life we want. 

Why is Jesus able to make these claims? If Jesus is God, then he holds the keys we need to experience life that is meaningful. And in a beautiful gesture of love, he extends this treasure to us as we slog through the daily questions and challenges of our lives. 

Knowing God. Finding truth. Being truly alive. Even though these things sound too good to be true, Jesus promises these realities to those who follow him.

Consider This:

  • What does Jesus offer that meets a crucial need for you right now?
  • How would your life be different if Jesus met that need?

Take Action:
Write down the most critical need in your life at this moment. Spend some time talking to Jesus about that need. Copy this verse and use it to remind yourself that Jesus offers everything you need.