Providing Hope and Stability
Nearly 20 million young people in the US are participating in perhaps the most unusual moment in educational history as they head to school during the coronavirus crisis.
The first years out of high school are a time of discovery and exploration, but now more than ever it can feel difficult to distinguish truth from opinion.
During a time filled with unknowns, it’s essential to provide young people with hope and stability. You can do just that by supporting Explore God’s free resources, where they can discover truth in a safe, trustworthy environment.
Helping Young People Find Truth
Today, you can impact the lives of countless students as they head into a year filled with more questions than ever. Because of your support, young adults around the world will be able to access resources that tackle tough topics like:
- Why does God let bad things happen?
- Does my life have a purpose?
- Is there even a God at all?
You can rest assured that 100% of your gift will go directly toward helping people learn about God. Every dollar is put to work sharing the hope of God’s love with the world.
By filling out the secure form below, you can partner with Explore God in meeting young people where they are and providing them the truth and hope they need.